Free to Browse: Organic Contexts for Tech and Media Literacy
Education, Media and Technology Sophia Kornienko Education, Media and Technology Sophia Kornienko

Free to Browse: Organic Contexts for Tech and Media Literacy

Free to Browse: Organic Contexts for Tech and Media Literacy. Drawing from my family's experience as educational refugees (we have had to move countries twice to be able to legally homeschool and allow our two geeky programmer kids to further self-organize their learning) and my media expertise, I want to explore organic learning contexts based on autonomy and curiosity, that bring out the best in all individuals involved, no matter their age, and help bridge generational gaps. I believe we should let young minds have their digital freedom today and stop locking them up in age-restricted ghettos. Surveillance and authoritarian parental controls are detrimental for bonding, self-discovery, developing technical chops and out-of-the-box creativity (all pretty valuable assets in the fast-paced digital age) and only reinforce ignorance, rigidity and vulnerability in the long run.

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